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Memory session used to store immediate strings, in C

In the virtual memory concept, where does C compilers store immediate strings? Example:

char *str = "Immediate string";
like image 311
Kei Nivky Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 01:02

Kei Nivky

2 Answers

gcc at least handles the following four cases differently:

char *globalstr = "immediate global string";
char globalbuf[] = "immediate global array of chars";
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    char *str = "immediate string";
    char buf[] = "immediate array of chars";
    return 0;

Local variable char *str and global variable char *str are stored into the .rodata section:

$ readelf --hex-dump=.rodata foo

Hex dump of section '.rodata':
  0x00400688 01000200 696d6d65 64696174 6520676c ....immediate gl
  0x00400698 6f62616c 20737472 696e6700 696d6d65 obal string.imme
  0x004006a8 64696174 65207374 72696e67 00       diate string.

The storage for local variable char buf[] is allocated on the stack at runtime, and initialized via instructions in the .text section:

$ readelf --hex-dump=.text foo

Hex dump of section '.text':
  0x00400510 00000048 85c07408 bf480e60 00c9ffe0 ...H..t..H.`....
  0x00400520 c9c39090 554889e5 4883ec50 897dbc48 ....UH..H..P.}.H
  0x00400530 8975b064 488b0425 28000000 488945f8 .u.dH..%(...H.E.
  0x00400540 31c048c7 45c8a406 4000c745 d0696d6d [email protected]
  0x00400550 65c745d4 64696174 c745d865 206172c7 e.E.diat.E.e ar.
  0x00400560 45dc7261 7920c745 e06f6620 63c745e4 E.ray .E.of c.E.
  0x00400570 68617273 c645e800 b8000000 00488b55 hars.E.......H.U
  0x00400580 f8644833 14252800 00007405 e897feff .dH3.%(...t.....

The global variable char buf[] is stored in the .data section:

$ readelf --hex-dump=.data foo

Hex dump of section '.data':
  0x00601020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
  0x00601030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
  0x00601040 8c064000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ..@.............
  0x00601050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
  0x00601060 696d6d65 64696174 6520676c 6f62616c immediate global
  0x00601070 20617272 6179206f 66206368 61727300  array of chars.
like image 184
sarnold Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 14:02


The compiler most likely stores string literals in .text. When the program is executed .text is usually paged in a read-only page.

like image 32
cnicutar Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 14:02
