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Memory leak in Three.js

We are trying to create a single page app in which user can switch between multiple Three.js apps. However we are noticing constant increase in memory usage by the tab. Their is no memory leakage in our app and seems Three.js variables are not getting cleared from RAM.

Steps to recreate

  1. Visit http://threejs.org/examples/ and open Task manager in Google Chrome to notice memory usage by the concerned tab.
  2. Keep switching between examples and you will notice constant increase in memory usage and it seems like GC never happens or is unable to delink previously consumed memory block.
  3. For my laptop with following configuration https://aboutmybrowser.com/pDp7aTxH memory easily shoots above 1GB when everything starts to freeze.

I have noticed 2 bugs filed on chromium and firefox about this memory issue but no solution has been provided yet.

Please help me on how to release memory, most of stuff I found on internet are not helping.

PS: I have filed a bug at Three.js as well https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/4276

like image 335
Gaurav Avatar asked Jan 08 '14 13:01


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A memory leak in JavaScript is defined as an increase in application memory consumption over time because allocated objects are not released. In “old” languages like C and C++ the developer had to allocate and release the memory explicitly.

What is memory leakage?

Memory leaks are a problem every developer has to face eventually. Even when working with memory-managed languages there are cases where memory can be leaked. Leaks are the cause of whole class of problems: slowdowns, crashes, high latency, and even problems with other applications.

How to leak memory from a web page?

Open the example in Chrome, open the Dev Tools, go to timeline, select memory and click the record button. Then go to the page and click The Button to start leaking memory. After a while stop the recording and take a look at the results:

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The key in this case lies in the fact that after each drop in memory use, the size of the heap remains bigger than in the previous drop. In other words, although the garbage collector is succeeding in collecting a lot of memory, some of it is periodically being leaked. We are now certain we have a leak. Let's find it.

1 Answers

Here is what did the trick for me

  1. Create an array which will hold all items added to scene.
  2. Whenever add an extra item to scene, add it to this array.
  3. On destroy function, run scene.remove('item name') to remove them from scene.
  4. Now iterate through array and manually make all the items undefined.

This way, I was able to free more than 600MB of memory post moving to another page.

Update Answer by Mr. Doob and WestLangley Memory leak with three.js and many shapes

In webGLRenderer, after removing a mesh with

scene.remove( mesh ),

you can deallocate the memory with

renderer.deallocateObject( mesh );

You can deallocate textures with

renderer.deallocateTexture( texture );

like image 95
Gaurav Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
