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Memory error in amazon sagemaker

Memory error occurs in amazon sagemaker when preprocessing 2 gb of data which is stored in s3. No problem in loading the data. Dimension of data is 7 million rows and 64 columns. One hot encoding is also not possible. Doing so results in memory error. Notebook instance is ml.t2.medium. How to solve this issue?

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VaRun Sabu Avatar asked Jul 23 '18 10:07

VaRun Sabu

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1 Answers

I assume you're processing on the data on the notebook instance, right? t2.medium has only 4GB of RAM, so it's quite possible you're simply running out of memory.

Have you tried a larger instance? The specs are here: https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/pricing/instance-types/

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Julien Simon Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09

Julien Simon