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memory allocation for objects

When we instantiate a variable in c++ like int x within a function(i.e. x is a local variable), it is allocated on top of stack of the process. But if we do int *x= new int, the space is provided in heap.

So, my questions are:

  1. What about objects of different classes (classes provided by c++ or user defined)? Where are their objects instantiated? For example: Let Employee is a class and we declare Employee emp;. Where is emp given space-> on stack or in heap?

  2. If the declaration int a[4] is within a function, do all the four cells of a get space on stack?

like image 651
AvinashK Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 08:02


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1 Answers

All local variables, no matter if from built-in types of from classes, or if they are arrays, are on the stack. All dynamic allocations are on the heap.

Of course, modifiers like static on a local variable will make the variable be put somewhere else, so it's preserved between function calls.

Also, to confuse you further, when you create a local pointer variable, and make it point to a dynamically allocated object, e.g.

Class* a = new Class;

The actual variable a is on the stack, but the memory it points to is on the heap.

Addendum: The C++ specification doesn't actually mention anything about stack or heap, only the behavior of different kind of variables.

like image 135
Some programmer dude Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 00:10

Some programmer dude