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mediaelement.js support of HLS

Does mediaelement.js support HLS? I followed this very simple example, which claims HLS support. I also found this thread also claiming HLS support stating the importance of the mime. However, I could not get any of my streams or any samples I could find on the web to play. Are there any browser, OS, or mime requirements to get this to work?

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bkant Avatar asked Dec 07 '12 02:12


1 Answers

You need to make some changes in the library. You can check out my changes. By just adding m3u8 in the supported formats it seems to work perfectly. https://github.com/sourcebits-harshitakasera/mediaelement-and-player-v2 It seems to work for me.

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hkasera Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 22:11
