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Meaning of long frame in Chrome DevTools

I'm trying to figure out why my application performs very bad. So I did a performance record within DevTools and I can see that frames usually takes about 150 ms which is too long.

enter image description here enter image description here

However I don't understand why the frame takes so much time. There is some javascript handling an input event, some DOM manipulation and some paint. It all takes about 60 ms. So why is the frame 150 ms long?

EDIT I've enabled some timeline-related devtools experiments as wOxxOm suggested. There is some kind of Update Layer task.

enter image description here

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Jan Krakora Avatar asked Jun 18 '18 15:06

Jan Krakora

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1 Answers

I would have said it came from too much nodes in your layer, but with some research we can now find that someone already had your problem before. To quote the answerer :

In your case, I would guess that you are triggering a fundamental layer invalidation that is forcing it to update a layer high up on the tree hierarchy which is then trickling down the tree and causing each of those layers to be updated. Although its hard to say without looking at your code.

Either way if this long Update Layer Tree is consistently happening before the Layout is being recalculated, it's most certainly related to that.

I'll advise checking the ressource pointed by Alexander J. Ray, especially the HTML5 Rocks article.

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Nomis Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 03:10
