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Meaning of leaf type in Julia




It seems that all concrete types in Julia are leaf types, but the reverse is not true. For example, Type{Int64} is a leaf type but it is not concrete:

julia> Type{Int64}.abstract

julia> Type{Int64}.isleaftype

My understanding is that this makes sense, because there are no values that have type Type{Int64}. The type Int64 has concrete type DataType. However, because Type{Int64} has no nontrivial subtypes, it is considered a leaf type.

However, the documentation of isleaftype is a little confusing:


  Determine whether T is a concrete type that can have instances, meaning its
  only subtypes are itself and Union{} (but T itself is not Union{}).

Type{Int64} cannot have instances, so the first sentence suggests that it is not a leaf type. However, it is indeed true that its only subtypes are itself and Union{}, so the second sentence suggests that it is.

Is the documentation conflating leaf types and concrete types, and if so, which meaning is correct?

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Fengyang Wang Avatar asked Jul 25 '16 00:07

Fengyang Wang

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1 Answers

You're right; the part about having instances was probably added to give a more intuitive sense of which types these are, but is not strictly correct (if having instances is defined as typeof(x) === T).

The .abstract field is a property of the type family (Type) that basically tells you whether the type was declared with abstract (as opposed to type or immutable or bitstype). This just tells you whether some members of the family can have declared subtypes, and so is not directly related to being a leaf type or concrete type. As you observe, Type{Int}.abstract is true, but an example that goes the other way is that Complex.abstract is false, even though Complex by itself is neither leaf nor concrete since since the parameter is unspecified.

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Jeff Bezanson Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Jeff Bezanson