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Meaning of "*:" in java classpath specification

I have a Java project uncompiled. Entry point is the main method in maui.main.MauiModelBuilder which is passed some parameters by command line.

The author of the code provides this suggestion to compile it:

java -cp "lib/*:src" maui.main.MauiModelBuilder -l data/automatic_tagging/train/ -m test -v none

What's the meaning of "lib/*:src" in this case? I never saw such a syntax.

like image 805
Leonardo Avatar asked Sep 29 '15 13:09


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1 Answers

Actually, you are parsing this syntax incorrectly in your head. You should be reading it as "lib/*" and "src". This syntax means that we are adding:

  • all files under the lib folder
  • the src file

to the classpath of java.

: is used as a separator for classpath entry.

like image 117
Tunaki Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 02:10
