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MD5 vs CRC32: Which one's better for common use?




Recently I read somewhere that although both CRC32 and MD5 are sufficiently uniform and stable, CRC32 is more efficient than MD5. MD5 seems to be a very commonly used hashing algorithm but if CRC32 is faster/more memory efficient then why not use that?

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bytefire Avatar asked Apr 20 '13 15:04


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Is CRC32 a good hash?

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1 Answers

MD5 is a one-way-hash algorithm. One-way-hash algorithm are often used in cryptography as they have the property (per design) that it's hard to find the input that produced a specific hash value. Specifically it's hard to make two different inputs that gives the same one-way-hash. Those they are often used as a way to show that a amount of data have not been altered intentionally since the hash code was produced. As the MD5 is a one-way-hash algorithm the emphasis is on security over speed. Unfortunately MD5 is now considered insecure.

CRC32 is designed to detect accidental changes to data and are commonly used in networks and storage devices. The purpose of this algorithm is not to protect against intentionally changes , but rather to catch accidents like network errors and disk write errors etc. The emphasis of this algorithm is those more on speed than on security.

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Ebbe M. Pedersen Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 00:09

Ebbe M. Pedersen