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Maze recursion solving StackOverflow error

I'm trying to solve a maze using recursion. It's declared Cell [][] maze.

public class Cell {
    private Wall left;
    private Wall right;
    private Wall up;
    private Wall down;
    private boolean end;

    // Setters and getters not shown

If there is no Wall for some side of the cell then it has value null, else it refers to a Wall object. Wall references are consistent: Both cells adjacent to single wall refer to it with the appropriate fields. If a wall is missing, then both adjacent cells have corresponding null entries. Here is the search:

public boolean solveMaze(Cell[][] maze, int i, int j) {

    if (maze[i][j].isEnd()){
        return true;
    if (maze[i][j].getDown() == null) {
        return solveMaze(maze, i, j + 1); 
    if (maze[i][j].getUp() == null) {
        return solveMaze(maze, i, j - 1) ;
    if (maze[i][j].getLeft() == null) {
        return solveMaze(maze, i - 1, j);
    if (maze[i][j].getRight() == null) {
        return solveMaze(maze, i + 1, j) ;  
    return false;

I'm getting a Stack Overflow error. What is wrong with my recursion stop condition?


With your highly appreciated help I solved this problem: This is correct solution which works flawless:

public boolean solveMaze(Cell[][] maze, int i, int j){

    if (maze[i][j].isEnd()){
        System.out.println("Maze Exit :["+i+","+j+"]" );
        return true;

    if (maze[i][j].isVisited()){
        return false;


    if ((maze[i][j].getButtom() == null) ){
        if (solveMaze(maze,i,j+1)==true)
            return true;

    if ((maze[i][j].getUp() == null) ){
    if ( solveMaze(maze,i,j-1) ==true )
        return true;

    if ((maze[i][j].getLeft() == null)){
        if (solveMaze(maze,i-1,j))
            return true;

    if ((maze[i][j].getRight() == null)){
        if (solveMaze(maze,i+1,j)) 
            return true;

    return false;

may be it will be helpful for any body in the future.

like image 360
danny.lesnik Avatar asked Dec 03 '22 03:12


2 Answers

If the maze has a cycle, the solver can run around this cycle forever, which will cause the stack overflow you're seeing. You need a way of determining when you're seeing a maze square that's already been seen. In this case you should backtrack immediately.

This can be done either with a boolean flag visited in each cell initially set to false and then set true for each square you search, or you can maintain a separate Set of (i,j) pairs that have been searched, which is initially empty.

NB: Your use of i and j is unconventional. If someone else wrote the maze reading code with the conventional usage, this could be causing a problem. In math, i is usually used for the row number and j for the column. With this convention your wall tests do not agree with your increments and decrements. Missing the bottom wall would require you to increment i for example.

like image 107
Gene Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 21:12


It seems to me like you're running in circles in your solver method.
I suggest you familiarize yourself with Breadth-First Search, which is often used for not too big state-search problems.

If you have some "knowledge", a heuristic, on how to search the maze then you might also take a look at A-Star Search

What BFS could do in your case is the following: (BTW, be nice and use appropriate construtors, getters and setters)

public class Cell {
    public int x;
    public int y;
    public Cell parent;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        // TODO Override equals so it only incudes x and y coorinates, and not parent
        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        // TODO Override hash code as well
        return 0;

public Cell seachFor(Cell start, Cell finish) {
    Queue<Cell> open = new LinkedList<>();
    Set<Cell> closed = new HashSet<>();


    while (!open.isEmpty()) {
        Cell current = open.poll();
        if (current.equals(finish)) {
            return current;


        for (Cell neighbour : getNeighbours(current)) {
            if (!closed.contains(neighbour)) {

    return null;


private List<Cell> getNeighbours(Cell current) {
    /* TODO Set the neighbour's "parent"
     * Return valid adjacent neighbour cells
    return null;

public Deque<Cell> pathfinder(Cell start) {
    Deque<Cell> path = new ArrayDeque<>();

    Cell current = start;

    while (current.parent != null) {
        current = current.parent;

    return path;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Cell start = maze.getStart();
    Cell finish = maze.getFinish();
    Deque<Cell> path = pathFinder(searchFor(start, finish))
    while (!path.isEmpty()) {
        Cell current = path.pop();

Note that this is a mock code and you need to refine it before it works.

like image 45
ioreskovic Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 19:12
