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maximum subarray whose sum equals 0



An array contains both positive and negative elements, find the maximum subarray whose sum equals 0.

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shreyasva Avatar asked Apr 04 '11 02:04


People also ask

How do you find if there is a Subarray with sum equal to zero in Java?

Find if there is a subarray with 0 sum using hashing: The idea is to iterate through the array and for every element arr[i], calculate the sum of elements from 0 to i (this can simply be done as sum += arr[i]). If the current sum has been seen before, then there is a zero-sum array.

How do you find the maximum sum of a Subarray?

The idea is simple, find the maximum sum starting from mid point and ending at some point on left of mid, then find the maximum sum starting from mid + 1 and ending with some point on right of mid + 1. Finally, combine the two and return the maximum among left, right and combination of both.

Is Subarray sum possible?

Note: Unique Sub-array sum means no other sub-array will have the same sum value. Explanation: All possible unique sub-array with their sum are as: (2), (4), (2), (2+4), (4+2), (2+4+2). Here only (4) and (2+4+2) are unique.

2 Answers

The link in the current accepted answer requires to sign up for a membership and I do not its content.

This algorithm will find all subarrays with sum 0 and it can be easily modified to find the minimal one or to keep track of the start and end indexes. This algorithm is O(n).

Given an int[] input array, you can create an int[] tmp array where tmp[i] = tmp[i - 1] + input[i]; Each element of tmp will store the sum of the input up to that element(prefix sum of array).

Now if you check tmp, you'll notice that there might be values that are equal to each other. Let's say that this values are at indexes j an k with j < k, then the sum of the input till j is equal to the sum till k and this means that the sum of the portion of the array between j and k is 0! Specifically the 0 sum subarray will be from index j + 1 to k.

  • NOTE: if j + 1 == k, then k is 0 and that's it! ;)
  • NOTE: The algorithm should consider a virtual tmp[-1] = 0;
  • NOTE: An empty array has sum 0 and it's minimal and this special case should be brought up as well in an interview. Then the interviewer will say that doesn't count but that's another problem! ;)

The implementation can be done in different ways including using a HashMap with pairs but be careful with the special case in the NOTE section above.


int[] input = {4,  6,  3, -9, -5, 1, 3, 0, 2} int[] tmp =   {4, 10, 13,  4, -1, 0, 3, 3, 5} 
  • Value 4 in tmp at index 0 and 3 ==> sum tmp 1 to 3 = 0, length (3 - 1) + 1 = 3
  • Value 0 in tmp at index 5 ==> sum tmp 0 to 5 = 0, length (5 - 0) + 1 = 6
  • Value 3 in tmp at index 6 and 7 ==> sum tmp 7 to 7 = 0, length (7 - 7) + 1 = 1


Assuming that in our tmp array we end up with multiple element with the same value then you have to consider every identical pair in it! Example (keep in mind the virtual '0' at index '-1'):

int[] array = {0, 1, -1, 0} int[] tmp = {0, 1, 0, 0} 

By applying the same algorithm described above the 0-sum subarrays are delimited by the following indexes (included):

[0] [0-2] [0-3] [1-2] [1-3] [3]

Although the presence of multiple entries with the same value might impact the complexity of the algorithm depending on the implementation, I believe that by using an inverted index on tmp (mapping a value to the indexes where it appears) we can keep the running time at O(n).

like image 151
Marsellus Wallace Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 05:10

Marsellus Wallace

This is one the same lines as suggested by Gevorg but I have used a hash map for quick lookup. O(n) complexity used extra space though.

private static void subArraySumsZero() {     int [] seed = new int[] {1,2,3,4,-9,6,7,-8,1,9};     int currSum = 0;     HashMap<Integer, Integer> sumMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();     for(int i = 0 ; i < seed.length ; i ++)     {         currSum += seed[i];         if(currSum == 0)         {             System.out.println("subset : { 0 - " + i + " }");         }         else if(sumMap.get(currSum) != null)         {             System.out.println("subset : { "                                  + (sumMap.get(currSum) + 1)                                  + " - " + i + " }");             sumMap.put(currSum, i);         }         else             sumMap.put(currSum, i);     }     System.out.println("HASH MAP HAS: " + sumMap); } 

The output generated has index of elements (zero based):

subset : { 1 - 4 } subset : { 3 - 7 } subset : { 6 - 8 } 
like image 45
Vivek Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 06:10
