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Maximum size of a document in firestore?

I want create a document that containing about 20 million objects.

The structure like that:

---- key1
-------- object1
-------------name: "test1"
-------------score: 123

I don't know the limitation of a document size in firestore, so can you help me any reference or information about that? Thanks!

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TccHtnn Avatar asked Mar 07 '18 04:03


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There is no limitation on the number of documents in Firestore collection but it has a limitation of the size of the document. The maximum size of a document is roughly 1 MiB (1,048,576 bytes). Show activity on this post.

1 Answers

The maximum size is roughly 1 Megabyte, storing such a large number of objects (maps) inside of a single document is generally a bad design (and 20 million is beyond the size limit anyway).

You should reconsider why they need to be in a document, rather than each object being their own document.

Cloud Firestore's limits are listed in the documentation.

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Dan McGrath Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 03:10

Dan McGrath