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maximum length of Digital Object Identifier?




I want to add a field to my database that stores DOIs. But I can't seem to find out what their maximum length is. Does anyone know if there is a maximum length?

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Jason S Avatar asked Sep 07 '11 14:09

Jason S

2 Answers

From a 10K sample, I would go for 255 as max length to be on the safe side...

enter image description here

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Renaud Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11


never mind, I found it:


DOI names have two components, known as the prefix and the suffix. These are separated by a forward slash. The two components together form the DOI name:


In this example, the prefix is "10.1000" and the suffix is "123456".

There is no technical limitation on the length of either the prefix or the suffix; in theory, at least, there is an infinite number of DOI names available.

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Jason S Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Jason S