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Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting




I want to create a crawler who take the informations of all pages one by one from number 0 to 10 000 000. I don't matter how much time it takes. I just want it works. Here is the error i obtain

Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! in D:\wamp\www\crawler\index.php on line 25

The line 25 is

$htmlstr = (string)$this->curlGet($url);

And there is my complete script.

Thank you for your help !

header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); 

class crawler{

    private $url;
    private $page;
    private $bothurl;
    private $innerDom = null;
    public $prop;
    public $entry;

    function __construct($entry){
        $this->entry = $entry;
        $this->bothurl = array('http://www.remax-quebec.com/fr/inscription/Q/'.$entry.'.rmx','http://www.remax-quebec.com/en/inscription/Q/'.$entry.'.rmx');

    private function scan(){
        $i =0;
        foreach($this->bothurl as $url){
            $this->url = $url;
            $this->lang = ($i==0)?'fr':'en';
            $htmlstr = (string)$this->curlGet($url);
            $dom = new DOMDocument;
            $this->page = $dom;

    private function htmlInfos(){
        $divs = $this->page->getElementsByTagName('div');
        foreach($divs as $div){
            if($div->hasAttribute('class') && $div->getAttribute('class') == 'bloc specs'){
                $innerDom = new DOMDocument(); 
                $this->innerDom = $innerDom;
        if($this->innerDom === null) $this->changeEntry();

    private function getInfos(){
        $sect = 0;

        foreach($this->innerDom->getElementsByTagName('div') as $div){
        # obtenir la description
        # obtenir les caractéristiques
        # obtenir les informations interieur, exterieur et evaluation
             if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'section deux-colonnes'){
                    case 0: $this->getSpecInfos($div,'interieur'); break;
                    case 1: $this->getSpecInfos($div,'exterieur'); break;
                    case 2: $this->getSpecInfos($div,'evaluation'); break;
                    case 3: $this->getSpecInfos($div,'equipement'); break;
                    case 4: $this->getSpecInfos($div,'services'); break;
             }else if($div->getAttribute('class') == 'section'){
        # obtenir les détails des pièces
                foreach($div->getElementsByTagName('table') as $table){
                    if($table->getAttribute('class') == 'details-pieces'){

    private function getDesc($class,$obj){
        if($class == 'section description'){
            $p = $obj->getElementsByTagName('p')->item(0);
            $text = (string)$p->nodeValue;
            $this->prop[$this->lang]['description'] = $text;

    private function getCaract($class,$obj){
        if($class == 'section characteristiques'){
            foreach($obj->getElementsByTagName('div') as $div){
                if(substr($div->getAttribute('class'),0,4) == "item"){
                    $text = (string)$div->nodeValue;
                    $this->prop[$this->lang]['caracteritiques'][substr($div->getAttribute('class'),5)] = $text;

    private function getSpecInfos($obj,$nomInfo){
        foreach($obj->getElementsByTagName('table') as $table){
            foreach($table->getElementsByTagName('tr') as $tr){
                $name = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(0);
                $value = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(1);
                $name = substr((string)$name->nodeValue,0,-2);
                $value = (string)$value->nodeValue;
                $this->prop[$this->lang][$nomInfo][$this->noAccents($name)] = $value;

    private function detailPieces($obj){
        $tbody = $obj->getElementsByTagName('tbody')->item(0);
        foreach($tbody->getElementsByTagName('tr') as $tr){
            $name = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(0);
            $name = (string)$name->nodeValue;
            $level = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(1);
            $level = (string)$level->nodeValue;
            $dimensions = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(2);
            $dimensions = (string)$dimensions->nodeValue;
            $floor = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(3);
            $floor = (string)$floor->nodeValue;
            $desc = $tr->getElementsByTagName('td')->item(4);
            $desc = (string)$desc->nodeValue;

            $this->prop[$this->lang]['pieces'][$this->noAccents($name)]['etage'] = $level;
            $this->prop[$this->lang]['pieces'][$this->noAccents($name)]['dimensions'] = $dimensions;
            $this->prop[$this->lang]['pieces'][$this->noAccents($name)]['revetement'] = $floor;
            $this->prop[$this->lang]['pieces'][$this->noAccents($name)]['description'] = $desc;

    private function innerHTML($element){ 
        $innerHTML = ""; 
        $children = $element->childNodes; 
        foreach ($children as $child) 
            $tmp_dom = new DOMDocument(); 
            $tmp_dom->appendChild($tmp_dom->importNode($child, true)); 
        return $innerHTML; 

    private function noAccents($value){
        $string= strtr($chaine,"ÀÁÂÃÄÅàáâãäåÒÓÔÕÖØòóôõöøÈÉÊËèéêëÇçÌÍÎÏìíîïÙÚÛÜùúûüÿÑñ","aaaaaaaaaaaaooooooooooooeeeeeeeecciiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuynn");

    private function changeEntry(){
        echo $this->entry;

    private function curlGet($url){
        $curl = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip");
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
        $data = curl_exec($curl);
        return $data;

$entry = 8678057;

$crawler = new crawler($entry);

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
like image 461
Mike Boutin Avatar asked Apr 14 '12 21:04

Mike Boutin

3 Answers

Assuming you're using xdebug, you can set your own limit with

ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', $limit)
like image 110
Martin. Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 14:10


changes the file /etc/mysql/my.cnf parameter to something like that max_allowed_packet = 512M

Get sure you've got xdebug installed (use phpinfo()) and then change the file /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini adding or editing the line : xdebug.max_nesting_level=1000

Restart both services sudo service mysql restart sudo service php5-fpm restart

If it doesn't work you can still set those two parameters to false at /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini xdebug.remote_autostart=0 xdebug.remote_enable=0

like image 33
medina Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10


In my case, it was related to composer. Some vendors were updated in the composer.json file, but I forgot to run the commands composer update nor composer install. The system generated a cascade of errros, which was causing this 'maximum nested level'.

After executing those commands, the problem was fixed

like image 1
Nicolas Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
