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Maximum and minimum caps for list values in Python




I have a list of values and I'd like to set the maximum value of any element in the list to 255 and the minimum value to 0 while leaving those within the range unchanged.

oldList = [266, 40, -15, 13]

newList = [255, 40, 0, 13]

Currently I'm doing

for i in range(len(oldList)):
    if oldList[i] > 255:
        oldList[i] = 255
    if oldList[i] < 0:
        oldList[i] = 0

or similarly with newList.append(oldList[i]).

But there has to be a better way than that, right?

like image 443
jayelm Avatar asked Nov 12 '13 06:11


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2 Answers

Another option is is numpy.clip

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.clip([266, 40, -15, 13], 0, 255)
array([255,  40,   0,  13])
like image 146
jayelm Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10


Use min, max functions:

>>> min(266, 255)
>>> max(-15, 0)

>>> oldList = [266, 40, -15, 13]
>>> [max(min(x, 255), 0) for x in oldList]
[255, 40, 0, 13]
like image 26
falsetru Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10
