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Max value per diagonal in 2d array

I have array and need max of rolling difference with dynamic window.

a = np.array([8, 18, 5,15,12])
print (a)
[ 8 18  5 15 12]

So first I create difference by itself:

b = a - a[:, None]
print (b)
[[  0  10  -3   7   4]
 [-10   0 -13  -3  -6]
 [  3  13   0  10   7]
 [ -7   3 -10   0  -3]
 [ -4   6  -7   3   0]]

Then replace upper triangle matrix to 0:

c = np.tril(b)
print (c)
[[  0   0   0   0   0]
 [-10   0   0   0   0]
 [  3  13   0   0   0]
 [ -7   3 -10   0   0]
 [ -4   6  -7   3   0]]

Last need max values per diagonal, so it means:

max([0,0,0,0,0]) = 0  
max([-10,13,-10,3]) = 13
max([3,3,-7]) = 3
max([-7,6]) = 6
max([-4]) = -4

So expected output is:

[0, 13, 3, 6, -4]

What is some nice vectorized solution? Or is possible some another way for expected output?

like image 507
jezrael Avatar asked Dec 04 '19 09:12


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1 Answers

Use ndarray.diagonal

v = [max(c.diagonal(-i)) for i in range(b.shape[0])]
print(v) # [0, 13, 3, 6, -4]
like image 95
Guy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 06:09
