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Maven with Eclipse Juno

People also ask

Does Maven work with Eclipse?

Using Maven with the Eclipse IDEThe Eclipse IDE provides support for the Maven build. This support is developed in the M2Eclipse project. It provides an editor for modifying the pom file and downloads dependencies if required. It also manages the classpath of the projects in the IDE.

Which Eclipse IDE is best for Maven project?

M2Eclipse provides tight integration for Apache Maven into the Eclipse IDE with the following features: Launching Maven builds from within Eclipse. Dependency management for Eclipse build path based on Maven's pom. xml.

Do we need to install Maven separately for Eclipse?

NOTES:Eclipse Kepler (4.3) and newer versions already have Maven integration so you don't need to install the plug-in for this version of Eclipse.

All the info you need, is provided in the release announcement for m2e 1.1:

m2e 1.1 has been released as part of Eclipse Juno simultaneous release today.


m2e 1.1 is already included in "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" package available from http://eclipse.org/downloads/ or it can be installed from Eclipse Juno release repository [2]. Eclipse 3.7/Indigo users can install the new version from m2e release repository [3]


[2] http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno

[3] http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases

m2e is only included in the Java developer version of Eclipse, as you can see on this page ("Maven" topic): http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/compare.php

However, an easy way to get m2e is through the Eclipse Marketplace:

Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace and look for m2e. Click "Maven Integration for Eclipse", then on Install (or drag and drop the install link to your running Eclipse workspace if you opened the marketplace in a browser), et voila!

Direct browser access: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/maven-integration-eclipse

You should be able to install m2e (maven project for eclipse) using the Help -> Install New Software dialog. On that dialog open the Juno site (http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno) and expand the Collaboration group (or type m2e into the filter). Select the two m2e options and follow the installation dialog

From Eclipse

  • Go to Help
  • Eclipse Marketplace
  • Search for m2e or maven integration for eclipse
  • click on Install against - 'Maven Integration for Eclipse (Juno and newer) 1.4'
  • Restart and Enjoy!!!