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Maven-release-plugin and builder-helper plugin

I guess i am missing something..
I want to make a release of my project.
I added maven-release-plugin to my pom. In addition, i have another source code dir aside from java(call it gen-src). When i make the first steps in the maven release (i.e prepare) everything is ok, but when i make perform it does not take the gen-src in account.



I suspect that it may be connected to the fact that the phase is generated-sources. Do i need to attach the add-source goal to another phase? If yes, how?
I also read in here - this is similar problem though i am not using flex..no answer. Any idea?

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ronk Avatar asked Nov 14 '22 20:11


1 Answers

I had the same problem in the past and I think I know what's happening. The release:perform phase checkouts a copy of the tag to be released to 'target/checkout' folder and fork a maven process to build this checkout. As you have a problem only in the release:perform phase, it must be related to the fact that maven in running a fork process on the 'target/checkout' folder, not in the './' folder.

I ended up fixing this problem removing build helper, but I don't know if you could do the same, so if I were you I would try avoiding relative paths on configurations. You can configure the build-helper like that:



Defining explicitly the ${basedir} could avoid this problem because ${basedir} will resolve to the fork path (your_workspace/project/target/checkout) instead of the current path (your_workspace/project). If this doesn't fix the problem, I believe we should file a bug against build-helper-maven-plugin because there should be no errors only in the perform phase.

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BrunoJCM Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 10:12
