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Maven import in Intellij IDEA runs out of memory on a large project

Import of Maven project ends with

Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded 
  1. I've tried to define an environment variable: MAVEN_OPTS = -Xmx1g.
  2. I've tried to add -Xmx1g to Maven VM options via Settings -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Runner.

Without success. What else can I do?

like image 731
naXa Avatar asked Sep 30 '15 07:09


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Limits the maximum memory heap size that the JVM can allocate for running IntelliJ IDEA. The default value depends on the platform. If you are experiencing slowdowns, you may want to increase this value, for example, to set the value to 2048 megabytes, change this option to -Xmx2048m .

1 Answers

The solution is to set -Xmx1g (or more) in Maven VM options for importer (yes, it is a separate option!). Go to "Settings/Preferences -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Importing", and find the option there.

Maven importing settings

Read more on JVM heap size: (Q) What are the Xms and Xmx parameters when starting JVMs?.

like image 125
naXa Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
