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Maven dependency for whole org.springframework

How to set Maven dependency for all org.springframework ?

I mean, how to do it in couple lines,instead of providing dependency for every module,e.g.:



thank you for help

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sergionni Avatar asked Jun 18 '11 19:06


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Open the Maven Project Object Model (POM) file and select the Dependencies tab. Use the The Central Repository website to find the Dependency Information for spring-core and Spring-context artifacts (jar files). Add… both Spring Dependencies to the pom.

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1 Answers

This answer is aimed to newer version 4.X.X

If you want to handle versions of dependencies more efficiently use this code before your <dependencies></dependencies> tags.


Benefit of using the BOM is that you no longer need to specify the version of dependency. So your dependencies should looks like:

    <!-- Spring framework -->
like image 108
Daniel Perník Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09

Daniel Perník