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Maven creating flat zip assembly


To Maven gurus out there: I'm trying to package non-java project artifacts (.NET) into a single zip file. I'm having 2 problems:

If I change packaging in my POM to zip <packaging>zip</packaging>, I get this error message: [INFO] Cannot find lifecycle mapping for packaging: 'zip'. Component descriptor cannot be found in the component repository: org.apache.mav en.lifecycle.mapping.LifecycleMappingzip. OK, no big deal - I changed it to <packaging>pom</packaging> to get rid of useless jar that is otherwise created in the target dir

My main problem is that files I'm packaging into ZIP are nested within few directories but I need put these into top directory of ZIP. Here's my assembly file:

 <assembly>   <id>bin</id>   <formats>     <format>zip</format>   </formats>   <fileSets>     <fileSet>       <directory>${basedir}/${project.artifactId}</directory>       <includes>         <include>**/Bin/Release/*.dll</include>         <include>**/Bin/Release/*.pdb</include>       </includes>     </fileSet>   </fileSets> </assembly> 

When I run this - I'll get ZIP file but files will be nested starting with C:\ followed by full path. To give you idea - project dumps it's binaries into the following structure ProjectFoo\ProjectFoo\subproject1\Bin\Release\foo.dll and I need ZIP\foo.dll

Here's assembly plugin configuration:

<plugin> <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId> <configuration>     <descriptors>         <descriptor>assembly.xml</descriptor>     </descriptors> </configuration> <executions>     <execution>         <id>zip</id>         <phase>package</phase>         <goals>             <goal>single</goal>         </goals>     </execution> </executions> 

Maybe I just need to use antrun and execute ant zip task?

like image 507
Bostone Avatar asked Sep 30 '09 21:09


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This descriptor specifies the type of assembly archive to create, the contents of the assembly, and the ways in which dependencies or its modules are bundled with an assembly. <assembly xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/ASSEMBLY/2.1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

What is the purpose of Maven Assembly plugin?

The Assembly Plugin for Maven enables developers to combine project output into a single distributable archive that also contains dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files. Your project can easily build distribution "assemblies" using one of the prefabricated assembly descriptors.

1 Answers

As you've seen, there isn't a zip packaging type, so it makes sense to use pom packaging as you've chosen to.

You've encountered a bit of a hole in the assembly plugin's processing. You could resolve this by specifying multiple fileSets in the assembly with <outputDirectory>/<outputDirectory>, one for each directory you want to include, this is obviously a PITA, and probably not an acceptable solution.

An alternative approach is to use the Ant copy task to copy all the DLLs into a staging directory, then include that directory in the assembly.

The following configuration should do what you're after:

The antrun-plugin configuration:

  <plugin>     <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>     <version>1.3</version>     <executions>       <execution>         <phase>process-resources</phase>         <configuration>           <tasks>             <copy todir="${project.build.directory}/dll-staging">               <fileset dir="${basedir}/${project.artifactId}">                 <include name="**/Bin/Release/*.dll"/>                 <include name="**/Bin/Release/*.pdb"/>               </fileset>               <flattenmapper/>             </copy>           </tasks>         </configuration>         <goals>           <goal>run</goal>         </goals>       </execution>     </executions>   </plugin> 

The assembly:

 <assembly>   <id>bin</id>   <formats>     <format>zip</format>   </formats>   <fileSets>     <fileSet>       <directory>${project.build.directory}/dll-staging</directory>       <outputDirectory>/</outputDirectory>       <includes>         <include>*.dll</include>         <include>*.pdb</include>       </includes>     </fileSet>   </fileSets> </assembly> 
like image 183
Rich Seller Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Rich Seller