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maven calls external script on both Linux and Windows platforms

I need to run an external script on both Linux and MS-Windows platforms.

  1. Do I use the right plugin exec-maven-plugin?
  2. Is there a more suitable plugin?
  3. What filename should I put in <executable>....</executable>?


I use the same Makefile for both platforms Linux/MS-Windows

My script compile-jni.bat:

call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
bash -c "make" 

My script compile-jni.sh:



Two colleagues have suggested alternatives:

  1. Use a variable script.extension change <executable>./compile-jni${script.extension}</executable> in the pom.xml and append the variable within the command line mvn compile -Dscript.extention=.bat

  2. or set the Visual Studio environment variables before calling maven:

    call "C:\%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
    mvn compile #(the same script 'bash -c "make"' works on both platforms)

But on both solutions, Eclipse users may be stucked... I am still looking for an automatic and elegant solution...

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oHo Avatar asked Feb 11 '13 10:02


2 Answers

Finally, I mixed the ideas => the <profiles> are used to set an internal variable script.extension depending on the operating system:


Then I use the variable to complete the script filename:


  ⚠   As noticed by Maksim for maven 3.5.4 move up the section <configuration> as shown below:  


I have moved the working directory from the pom.xml to the shell script. In order to simplify maintenance, the common stuff is moved within this shell scrip. Therefore, the batch file use this shell script:


call "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
bash compile-jni.sh


cd src/main/cpp
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oHo Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 09:11


An example of running sh script.

This just does a chmod for the sh script. Keep in mind if you have a sh script, you should definitely do a chmod before performing other operations such as running the actual script, so having this as an example, you can do the first <execution> as below and add another <execution> to run your script.

For the batch file, you can have only one <execution> to run your script


and you would probably want to add a profile depending on which machine you are:

      <!-- add your exec-maven-plugin here -->

Hope this will be a start for what you need

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Andrei Sfat Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 10:11

Andrei Sfat