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Matplotlib table: individual column width



Is there a way to specify the width of individual columns in a matplotlib table?

The first column in my table contains just 2-3 digit IDs, and I'd like this column to be smaller than the others, but I can't seem to get it to work.

Let's say I have a table like this:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure()
table_ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)

table_content = [["1", "Daisy", "ill"],
                 ["2", "Topsy", "healthy"]]
table_header = ('ID', 'Name','Status')

the_table = table_ax.table(cellText=table_content, loc='center', colLabels=table_header, cellLoc='left')


(Never mind the weird cropping, it doesn't happen in my real table.)

What I've tried is this:

prop = the_table.properties()
cells = prop['child_artists']

for cell in cells:
    text = cell.get_text()
    if text == "ID":
        except TypeError:

The above code seems to have zero effect - the columns are still all equally wide. (cell.get_width() returns 0.3333333333, so I would think that width is indeed cell-width... so what am I doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated!

like image 785
CodingCat Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 21:12


2 Answers

I've been searching the web over and over again looking for similar probelm sollutions. I've found some answers and used them, but I didn't find them quite straight forward. By chance I just found the table method get_celld when simply trying different table methods. By using it you get a dictionary where the keys are tuples corresponding to table coordinates in terms of cell position. So by writing


you will simply adress the upper left cell. Now looping over rows or columns will be fairly easy.

A bit late answer, but hopefully others may be helped.

like image 88
OHo Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 23:03


Just for completion. The column header starts with (0,0) ... (0, n-1). The row header starts with (1,-1) ... (n,-1).

                  | ColumnHeader (0,0)  | ColumnHeader (0,1)  |
rowHeader (1,-1)  | Value  (1,0)        | Value  (1,1)        |
rowHeader (2,-1)  | Value  (2,0)        | Value  (2,1)        |

The code:

for key, cell in the_table.get_celld().items():
    print (str(key[0])+", "+ str(key[1])+"\t"+str(cell.get_text()))
like image 39
Morlord Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 00:03
