I have a question regarding the following graph:
Essentially, we have here two subplots that have the same x-axis. I would like
to save space now, and instead of having 2 subplots with two x-axix labels, I would
like to eleminiate the space between them and stack them on top of each other.
Is there any easy way to do that?
Many thanks! Patrick
%% Data
t = 0:100;
f1 = 0.3;
f2 = 0.07;
u1 = sin(f1*t); cu1 = 'r'; %red
u2 = cos(f2*t); cu2 = 'b'; %blue
v1 = 5*u1.^2; cv1 = 'm'; %magenta
v2 = 5*u2.^2; cv2 = 'c'; %cyan
h(1) = subplot(2,1,1); % upper plot
plot(t,u1,'Color',cu1,'DisplayName','u1'); hold on;
plot(t,u2,'Color',cu2,'DisplayName','u2'); hold off;
xlabel('Time t [s]');
ylabel('u [some unit]');
h(2) = subplot(2,1,2); % lower plot
plot(t,v1,'Color',cv1,'DisplayName','v1'); hold on;
plot(t,v2,'Color',cv2,'DisplayName','v2'); hold off;
xlabel('Time t [s]');
ylabel('v [some unit^2]');
linkaxes(h,'x'); % link the axes in x direction (just for convenience)
By default, new plots clear existing plots and reset axes properties, such as the title. However, you can use the hold on command to combine multiple plots in the same axes. For example, plot two lines and a scatter plot.
stackedplot( tbl ) plots the variables of a table or timetable in a stacked plot, up to a maximum of 25 variables. The function plots the variables in separate y-axes, stacked vertically. The variables share a common x-axis. If tbl is a table, then the function plots the variables against row numbers.
Use subplot command to make 3+ Vertically Stacked Plots.
Remove the xticks of the upper plot:
and also remove the xlabel (delete or comment that line in your code)
Now move the two closer together by changing their position:
then you'll get
The y-axis labels are starting to overlap, so you might also want to adjust these with
set(h(1),'ytick',[-0.5 0 0.5]);
for example, or place one y-axis at the right side with:
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