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Matlab: Running an m-file from command-line

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How do I run an M file from the command line?

How to run the m-file? After the m-file is saved with the name filename. m in the current MATLAB folder or directory, you can execute the commands in the m-file by simply typing filename at the MATLAB command window prompt.

How do I run an M script in MATLAB?

Type the script name on the command line and press Enter. For example, to run the numGenerator. m script, type numGenerator . On the Editor tab, click the Run button.

Can you run MATLAB script from command line?

To run a MATLAB script from the the command line, use MATLAB's -r option, as in this example which runs the Matlab script my_simulation. m from the current directory. Note that the MATLAB script that you run should have an exit command in it.

How do you call another M file in MATLAB?

if name. m exist in the same directory and if you want to call this file in name2. m, then just type 'name;' inside name2. m, no extension is needed!

A command like this runs the m-file successfully:

"C:\<a long path here>\matlab.exe" -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('C:\<a long path here>\mfile.m'); exit;"

I think that one important point that was not mentioned in the previous answers is that, if not explicitly indicated, the matlab interpreter will remain open. Therefore, to the answer of @hkBattousai I will add the exit command:

"C:\<a long path here>\matlab.exe" -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('C:\<a long path here>\mfile.m');exit;"

Here is what I would use instead, to gracefully handle errors from the script:

"C:\<a long path here>\matlab.exe" -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "try, run('C:\<a long path here>\mfile.m'), catch, exit, end, exit"

If you want more verbosity:

"C:\<a long path here>\matlab.exe" -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "try, run('C:\<a long path here>\mfile.m'), catch me, fprintf('%s / %s\n',me.identifier,me.message), end, exit"

I found the original reference here. Since original link is now gone, here is the link to an alternate newreader still alive today:

  • exit matlab when running batch m file

On Linux you can do the same and you can actually send back to the shell a custom error code, like the following:

matlab -nodisplay -nojvm -nosplash -nodesktop -r \ 
      "try, run('/foo/bar/my_script.m'), catch, exit(1), end, exit(0);"
echo "matlab exit code: $?"

it prints matlab exit code: 1 if the script throws an exception, matlab exit code: 0 otherwise.

Here are the steps:

  1. Start the command line.
  2. Enter the folder containing the .m file with cd C:\M1\M2\M3
  3. Run the following: C:\E1\E2\E3\matlab.exe -r mfile

Windows systems will use your current folder as the location for MATLAB to search for .m files, and the -r option tries to start the given .m file as soon as startup occurs.

cat 1.m | matlab -nodesktop -nosplash

And I use Ubuntu