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Matlab: Plot points and make them clickable to display informations about it

I have some points like this:

matrix = rand(6, 4)
0.8147    0.2785    0.9572    0.7922
0.9058    0.5469    0.4854    0.9595
0.1270    0.9575    0.8003    0.6557
0.9134    0.9649    0.1419    0.0357
0.6324    0.1576    0.4218    0.8491
0.0975    0.9706    0.9157    0.9340

the first two columns are x and y values which get plotted as points via

plot(matrix(:, 1), matrix(:, 2), '*r'

Now what I want to work out is the following: Whenever I click on a certain point in the plot, I want the information out of column 3 and 4 being displayed as text just right of the point in a box, e.g. with some text, e.g. information 1: VALUE_COL3, information 2: VALUE_COL4. How to achieve that? I thought of the ButtonDownFcn attribute and than check out the clicked point and match it. But is there any easier way to do it?


like image 628
tim Avatar asked Dec 09 '22 04:12


1 Answers

While Sam's method is probably the correct solution here, I'd like to offer another one (although it is more of a 'hack' than a proper solution).

You can attach context menus to handle graphics objects. These menus can display multiple selections and even let your script respond to user selections. Take a look at the following example:

x = [1:10];
y = x.^2;

plot(x,y); hold on;
h = plot(x(5), y(5),'ro'); %% save the handle to the point we want to annotate

hcmenu = uicontextmenu;
item1 = uimenu(hcmenu, 'Label', 'info 1');
item2 = uimenu(hcmenu, 'Label', 'info 2');
item3 = uimenu(hcmenu, 'Label', 'info 2');

set(h, 'uicontextmenu', hcmenu);

When you right click on the 'o' point, you get the context menu:

Produces this...

More information can be found at the Mathwork's site.

like image 180
nimrodm Avatar answered Apr 09 '23 12:04
