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Mathematica Help Browser from Mathematica 5 in new versions of Mathematica

I remember that someone from WRI stated in the official newsgroup that Mathematica 7 still has a working old-fashioned Mathematica Help Browser from Mathematica 5 for compatibility purposes. But I can not find the post where the code for invoking it is given.

How to invoke and use this legacy Help Browser in new versions of Mathematica?

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Alexey Popkov Avatar asked Nov 04 '22 23:11

Alexey Popkov

1 Answers

The old browser will show up if you try to look at documentation for packages that were written in the old format. From the main documentation page, click 'Add-Ons and Packages' at the very bottom-left, and then click on the old package name. Based on what I have installed, it looks like the old packages will have a little orange square in front of them, instead of a triangle that shows/hides additional information.

The old browser is only used for old documentation.

I assume you're aware of the 'Function Navigator' and 'Virtual Book' which provide alternate ways of navigating the new documentation.

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Brett Champion Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11

Brett Champion