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Material UI Override Step Icon Style



Using "@material-ui/core" at version 3.1.0

It's pretty easy to override globally a stepper icon's color globally

   overrides: {
     MuiStepIcon: {
       root: {
         color: "#F00"

However, it's not clear how you would override the only the color for an icon for either a StepButton or StepLabel using the recommended methods. I see that you can pass in your own icon element, but I don't want to replicate the library logic for the step number and the checkmark.

Is there an clean way to do this?

like image 638
renegadeborealis Avatar asked Sep 18 '18 20:09


1 Answers

StepLabel provides a StepIconProps property that allows you pass custom props to the StepIcon component. (docs)

You can use the classes prop to customize StepIcon styles.

<Step key={label}>
      classes: { root: classes.icon } 

Edit Material UI - override step icon color

Non-linear steppers

You can nest a StepLabel component inside StepButton when you need to pass custom props to StepIcon. (docs)

<Step key={label}>
      StepIconProps={{ classes: { root: classes.icon } }}

Edit Material UI - StepButton override icon color

like image 119
Luke Peavey Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Luke Peavey