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Material-UI custom theme palette property yielding 'undefined' error in Jest

In short, I'm using Jest, React Testing Library, and Material UI createMuiTheme and everything works except for the tests. They break only when I add the custom theme from my compound theme from createMuiTheme.

I'm creating a custom theme for my MUI project as follows:

import { createMuiTheme } from '@material-ui/core/styles';

export const theme = {
  palette: {
    extra: {
      activeButton: '#D4564E',
      black: '#000000',
      darkGrey: '#232323',
      rgbaInvisible: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)',
      success: '#4CAF50',
      white: '#FFFFFF',

export default createMuiTheme(theme);

My component styles are defined in JSS like this:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => {
  return {
    ctaCopy: {
      color: theme.extraColors.activeButton,

The component itself I don't think is important but it looks like this:

<Link className={classes.ctaCopy} href={ctaUrl}>

This works. The component displays properly when rendered, with the expected colors. However, when I use this component in a Jest test, it fails, saying:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'activeButton' of undefined


I dug a little further and attempted a few other solutions, including using MuiThemeProvider and ThemeProvider (separately, of course). In order to do this, I used import to pull in my custom theme, which is hosted in an external library. As follows:

import { defaultTheme } from 'my-external-lib';

This, again, works on a rendered page. I went so far as to console.log the defaultTheme and it prints correctly, again, in the rendered page. However, in the tests, if I console.log(defaultTheme) the result is undefined!!

So perhaps the updated question nuance is, why can't I use import in this way with Jest/React Testing Library?

This may warrant a whole new question being posted.

More of what I've tried so far:

// This theme created as above
import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/core';
import { defaultTheme } from '@my-external-lib';
import MyComponent from './MyComponent';

const setupComponent = ({
} = {}) => {
    <ThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>

const testCtaCopy = 'test-cta-copy';
const testCtaUrl = 'https://www.test.com';

describe('My component', () => {
  it('should render', () => {

    setupComponent({ ctaCopy: testCtaCopy, ctaUrl: testCtaUrl });


Why am I getting this error in tests only?

like image 943
Steverino Avatar asked May 01 '21 03:05


1 Answers

I encountered this today, the solution that fixed for me is this

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => {
  return {
    ctaCopy: {
      color: theme.extraColors?.activeButton,
like image 74
Dennis Gonzales Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 08:10

Dennis Gonzales