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Material Components - Text Field - IOS

I'm newbie to swift programming, i need to design the login page with floating placeholder input. I have installed the MDCTextInput using POD.

added import

import MaterialComponents.MaterialTextFields

and in viewDidLoad() below code added,

companyID.placeholder = "Company ID"
companyID.placeholderLabel.highlightedTextColor = UIColor.white
companyID.placeholderLabel.textColor = UIColor.white
companyID.underline?.color = UIColor.white
companyID.delegate = self

i have followed the steps given in Material components in IOS

I am not clear about this line,

To achieve the animations and presentations defined by the guidelines (floating placeholders, character counts), a controller that conforms to protocol MDCTextInputController must be initialized to manage the text field.

I am not getting floating placeholder animation, how to do this in swift4 ? please anybody provide me an idea .

The Material iOS Github Link is: material-components-ios

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US-1234 Avatar asked Apr 07 '18 11:04


People also ask

How do you customize a text field in material UI?

To make a controlled text field, we can add the value and onChange props to the TextField . We have the name state which is passed into the value prop. And the handleChange function which is passed into the onChange prop.

What is a text box component?

A text box (input box), text field or text entry box is a control element of a graphical user interface, that should enable the user to input text information to be used by a program.

What is text field type?

The Text field is one of the most generic and common data entry fields used to capture text type data—letters, numbers, and symbols. Text fields hold up to 255 characters in a single line. You can restrict the number of characters entered by specifying a maximum field size.

How do you style a TextField material UI label?

const styles = theme => ({ textField: { width: '90%', marginLeft: 'auto', marginRight: 'auto', color: 'white', paddingBottom: 0, marginTop: 0, fontWeight: 500 }, });

3 Answers

Use SkyFloatingLabelTextField Cocoa Pod. It's much easier to implement, You don't even have to write a single line of code. You can configure it from the storyboard. You can get it from here: https://github.com/Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField enter image description here

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S.S.D Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10


UITextField with floating label:

When you click on the TextField Placeholder will animate to upside with a Floating Label.

Create a Empty Swift Class Name FloatingLabeledTextField and Paste all code in that class.

Usage: Drag UITextField from Object library. Select TextField in Xcode go to Identity Inspector assign class to FloatingLabeledTextField. Thats it.

import UIKit

class FloatingLabeledTextField: UITextField {

  var floatingLabel: UILabel!
  var placeHolderText: String?

  var floatingLabelColor: UIColor = UIColor.blue {
    didSet {
        self.floatingLabel.textColor = floatingLabelColor

   var floatingLabelFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15) {

      didSet {
        self.floatingLabel.font = floatingLabelFont

   var floatingLabelHeight: CGFloat = 30

   override init(frame: CGRect) {
     super.init(frame: frame)

   required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {

    super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    let flotingLabelFrame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: frame.width, height: 0)

    floatingLabel = UILabel(frame: flotingLabelFrame)
    floatingLabel.textColor = floatingLabelColor
    floatingLabel.font = floatingLabelFont
    floatingLabel.text = self.placeholder

    placeHolderText = placeholder

    NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(textFieldDidBeginEditing), name: UITextField.textDidBeginEditingNotification, object: self)

     NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(textFieldDidEndEditing), name: UITextField.textDidEndEditingNotification, object: self)


@objc func textFieldDidBeginEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {

    if self.text == "" {
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) {
            self.floatingLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: -self.floatingLabelHeight, width: self.frame.width, height: self.floatingLabelHeight)
        self.placeholder = ""

@objc func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {

    if self.text == "" {
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.1) {
           self.floatingLabel.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: self.frame.width, height: 0)
        self.placeholder = placeHolderText

deinit {



Drag Textfield in ViewController's view and Assign class to FloatingLabeledTextField in Identity Inspector.

Xcode Identity Inspector


Demo Image

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Yogendra Singh Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10

Yogendra Singh

To get the animation, you can create a var of any subclass of MDCTextInputControllerBaseclass ( <- these class confirms to the MDCTextInputControllerFloatingPlaceholder protocol <- This protocol again confirms to the MDCTextInputControllerprotocol). Create a var inside UIViewController and then init with textInput passing you MDCTextField.


But to achieve the animations and presentations defined by the guidelines (floating placeholders, character counts), a controller that conforms to protocol MDCTextInputController must be initialized to manage the text field.

This means you need to initialise a variable of any of the MDCTextInputControllerBase class / subclass which confirms to the MDCTextInputController protocol

Enough talk. See some code:

final class SomeVC: UIViewController {

           /* This is a subclass of MDCTextInputControllerBase */
    var textFieldControllerFloating = MDCTextInputControllerUnderline()

    /* For multiple textField */
    var arrayOftextFieldControllerFloating = [MDCTextInputControllerUnderline]()

    override func viewDidLoad() {
      let textFieldFloating = MDCTextField()

      textFieldFloating.placeholder = "Full Name"
      textFieldFloating.delegate = self

      textFieldControllerFloating = MDCTextInputControllerUnderline(textInput: textFieldFloating) // This will animate the textfield's place holder

    /* If you have multiple textField */
      arrayOftextFieldControllerFloating.append(MDCTextInputControllerUnderline(textInput: textFieldFloating1)) 
      arrayOftextFieldControllerFloating.append(MDCTextInputControllerUnderline(textInput: textFieldFloating2))
      arrayOftextFieldControllerFloating.append(MDCTextInputControllerUnderline(textInput: textFieldFloating3))
     // Must have a MDCTextField / MDCMultilineTextField as textInput
extension SomeVC: UITextFieldDelegate {}

Note: You need to create a new controller for every MDCTextField or MDCMultilineTextField

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Subhajit Halder Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10

Subhajit Halder