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Matching two lists containing slightly differing float values by allowing a tolerance


I have two sorted lists containing float values. The first contains the values I am interested in (l1) and the second list contains values I want to search (l2). However, I am not looking for exact matches and I am tolerating differences based on a function. Since I have do this search very often (>>100000) and the lists can be quite large (~5000 and ~200000 elements), I am really interested in runtime. At first, I thought I could somehow use numpy.isclose(), but my tolerance is not fixed, but depending on the value of interest. Several nested for loops work, but are really slow. I am sure that there is some efficient way to do this.

#check if two floats are close enough to match
def matching(mz1, mz2):
    if abs( (1-mz1/mz2) * 1000000) <= 2:
        return True
    return False

#imagine another huge for loop around everything
l1  = [132.0317, 132.8677, 132.8862, 133.5852, 133.7507]
l2  = [132.0317, 132.0318, 132.8678, 132.8861, 132.8862, 133.5851999, 133.7500]

d = {i:[] for i in l1}
for i in l1:
    for j in l2:
        if matching(i, j):

fyi: As an alternative to the matching function, I could also create a dictionary first, mapping the values of interest from l1 to the window (min ,max) I would allow. e.g. {132.0317:(132.0314359366, 132.0319640634), ...}, but I think checking for each value from l2 if it lies within one of the windows from this dictionary would be even slower...

This would be how to generate the dictionary containing min/max values for each value from l1:

def calcMinMaxMZ(mz, delta_ppm=2):
    minmz = mz- (mz* +delta_ppm)/1000000
    maxmz = mz- (mz* -delta_ppm)/1000000
    return minmz, maxmz

minmax_d = {mz:calcMinMaxMZ(mz, delta_ppm=2) for mz in l1}

The result may be a dictionary like this: d = {132.0317: [132.0317, 132.0318], 132.8677: [132.8678], 132.8862: [132.8862, 132.8861], 133.5852: [133.5851999], 133.7507: []} But I actually do much more, when there is a match.

Any help is appreciated!

like image 256
Godrebh Avatar asked Aug 05 '19 15:08


People also ask

How do you match two lists in Python?

We can club the Python sort() method with the == operator to compare two lists. Python sort() method is used to sort the input lists with a purpose that if the two input lists are equal, then the elements would reside at the same index positions.

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Method 6: Use symmetric_difference to Find the Difference Between Two Lists in Python. The elements that are either in the first set or the second set are returned using the symmetric_difference() technique. The intersection, unlike the shared items of the two sets, is not returned by this technique.

1 Answers

I re-implemented the for loop using itertools. For it working, the inputs must be sorted. For benchmark I generated 1000 items from <130.0, 135.0> for l1 and 100_000 items from <130.0, 135.0> for l2:

from timeit import timeit
from itertools import tee
from random import uniform

#check if two floats are close enough to match
def matching(mz1, mz2):
    if abs( (1-mz1/mz2) * 1000000) <= 2:
        return True
    return False

#imagine another huge for loop around everything
l1 = sorted([uniform(130.00, 135.00) for _ in range(1000)])
l2 = sorted([uniform(130.00, 135.00) for _ in range(100_000)])

def method1():
    d = {i:[] for i in l1}
    for i in l1:
        for j in l2:
            if matching(i, j):
    return d

def method2():
    iter_2, last_match = tee(iter(l2))
    d = {}
    for i in l1:
        d.setdefault(i, [])
        found = False
        while True:
            j = next(iter_2, None)
            if j is None:
            if matching(i, j):
                if not found:
                    iter_2, last_match = tee(iter_2)
                    found = True
                if found:
        iter_2, last_match = tee(last_match)
    return d

print(timeit(lambda: method1(), number=1))
print(timeit(lambda: method2(), number=1))


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Andrej Kesely Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Andrej Kesely