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Matching states and cities with possibly multiple words

I have a Python list like the following elements:

 'Auburn (Auburn University)[1]',
 'Florence (University of North Alabama)',
 'Jacksonville (Jacksonville State University)[2]',
 'Livingston (University of West Alabama)[2]',
 'Montevallo (University of Montevallo)[2]',
 'Troy (Troy University)[2]',
 'Tuscaloosa (University of Alabama, Stillman College, Shelton State)[3][4]',
 'Tuskegee (Tuskegee University)[5]',
 'Fairbanks (University of Alaska Fairbanks)[2]',
 'Flagstaff (Northern Arizona University)[6]',
 'Tempe (Arizona State University)',
 'Tucson (University of Arizona)',
 'Arkadelphia (Henderson State University, Ouachita Baptist University)[2]',
 'Conway (Central Baptist College, Hendrix College, University of Central Arkansas)[2]',
 'Fayetteville (University of Arkansas)[7]']

The list is not complete, but is sufficient to give you an idea of what's in it.

The data is structured like this:

There is a name of a US state and following the state name, there are some names of cities IN THAT STATE. The state name, as you can see ends in "[edit]", and the cities' name either end in a bracket with a number (for example "1", or "[2]"), or with a university's name within parenthesis (for example "(University of North Alabama)").

(Find the full reference file for this problem here)

I ideally want a Python dictionary with the state names as the index, and all the cities' names in that state in a nested listed as a value to that particular index. So, for example the dictionary should be like:

{'Alabama': ['Auburn', 'Florence', 'Jacksonville'...], 'Arizona': ['Flagstaff', 'Temple', 'Tucson', ....], ......}

Now, I tried the following solution, to weed out the unnecessary parts:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    def get_list_of_university_towns():
        Returns a DataFrame of towns and the states they are in from the 
        university_towns.txt list. The format of the DataFrame should be:
        DataFrame( [ ["Michigan", "Ann Arbor"], ["Michigan", "Yipsilanti"] ], 
        columns=["State", "RegionName"]  )

        The following cleaning needs to be done:

        1. For "State", removing characters from "[" to the end.
        2. For "RegionName", when applicable, removing every character from " (" to the end.
        3. Depending on how you read the data, you may need to remove newline character '\n'. 


        fhandle = open("university_towns.txt")
        ftext = fhandle.read().split("\n")

        reftext = list()
        for item in ftext:
            reftext.append(item.split(" ")[0])

        #pos = reftext[0].find("[")
        #reftext[0] = reftext[0][:pos]

        towns = list()
        dic = dict()

        for item in reftext:
            if item == "Alabama[edit]":
                state = "Alabama"

            elif item.endswith("[edit]"):
                dic[state] = towns
                towns = list()
                pos = item.find("[")
                item = item[:pos]
                state = item


        return ftext


A snippet of my output generated by my code looks like this:

{'Alabama': ['Auburn',
 'Alaska': ['Fairbanks'],
 'Arizona': ['Flagstaff', 'Tempe', 'Tucson'],
 'Arkansas': ['Arkadelphia',
 'California': ['Angwin',
 'Colorado': ['Alamosa',
 'Connecticut': ['Fairfield',
 'Delaware': ['Dover', 'Newark'],
 'Florida': ['Ave',
 'Georgia': ['Albany',
 'Hawaii': ['Manoa'],

But, there is one error in the output: States with a space in their names (e.g. "North Carolina") are not included. I can the the reason behind it.

I thought of using regular expressions, but since I have yet to study about them, I do not know how to form one. Any ideas as to how it could be done with or without the use of Regex?

like image 820
CuriousLearner Avatar asked Dec 14 '22 19:12


1 Answers

Praise the power of regular expressions then:

states_rx = re.compile(r'''

cities_rx = re.compile(r'''^[^()\n]+''', re.MULTILINE)

transformed = '\n'.join(lst_)

result = {state.group('state'): [city.group(0).rstrip() 
        for city in cities_rx.finditer(state.group('cities'))] 
        for state in states_rx.finditer(transformed)}

This yields

{'Alabama': ['Auburn', 'Florence', 'Jacksonville', 'Livingston', 'Montevallo', 'Troy', 'Tuscaloosa', 'Tuskegee'], 'Alaska': ['Fairbanks'], 'Arizona': ['Flagstaff', 'Tempe', 'Tucson'], 'Arkansas': ['Arkadelphia', 'Conway', 'Fayetteville']}


The idea is to split the task up into several smaller tasks:

  1. Join the complete list with \n
  2. Separate states
  3. Separate towns
  4. Use a dict comprehension for all found items

First subtask
transformed = '\n'.join(your_list)

Second subtask

^                      # match start of the line
(?P<state>.+?)\[edit\] # capture anything in that line up to [edit]
(?P<cities>[\s\S]+?)   # afterwards match anything up to
(?=^.*\[edit\]$|\Z)    # ... either another state or the very end of the string

See the demo on regex101.com.

Third subtask

^[^()\n]+              # match start of the line, anything not a newline character or ( or )

See another demo on regex101.com.

Fourth subtask

result = {state.group('state'): [city.group(0).rstrip() for city in cities_rx.finditer(state.group('cities'))] for state in states_rx.finditer(transformed)}

This is roughly equivalent to:

for state in states_rx.finditer(transformed):
    # state is in state.group('state')
    for city in cities_rx.finditer(state.group('cities')):
        # city is in city.group(0), possibly with whitespaces
        # hence the rstrip

Lastly, some timing issues:
import timeit
print(timeit.timeit(findstatesandcities, number=10**5))
# 12.234304904000965

So running the above a 100.000 times took me round 12 seconds on my computer, so it should be reasonably fast.

like image 166
Jan Avatar answered Dec 18 '22 00:12
