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Matching one string multiple times using regex in Java




I'm having some issues with making the following regex work. I would like the following string:

"Please enter your name here"

to result in an array with the following elements:

'please enter', 'enter your', 'your name', 'name here'

Currently, I'm using the following pattern, and then creating a matcher and iterating in the following way:

Pattern word = Pattern.compile("[\w]+ [\w]+");
Matcher m = word.matcher("Please enter your name here");

while (m.find()) {

But the result I'm getting is:

'please enter', 'your name'

What am I doing wrong? (P.s., i checked the same regex on regexpal.com and had the same problem). It seems like the same word won't be matched twice. What can I do to achieve the result I want?



EDIT: Thanks for all the suggestions! I ended up doing this (because it adds flexibility in being able to easily specify number of "n-grams"):

Integer nGrams = 2;
String patternTpl = "\\b[\\w']+\\b";
String concatString = "what is your age? please enter your name."
for (int i = 0; i < nGrams; i++) {
    // Create pattern.
    String pattern = patternTpl;
    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
        pattern = pattern + " " + patternTpl;
    pattern = "(?=(" + pattern + "))";
    Pattern word = Pattern.compile(pattern);
    Matcher m = word.matcher(concatString);

    // Iterate over all words and populate wordList
    while (m.find()) {

This results in:

(?=(\b[\w']+\b)) // In the first iteration
(?=(\b[\w']+\b \b[\w']+\b)) // In the second iteration

[what, is, your, age, please, enter, your, name, what is, is your, your age, please enter, enter your, your name]

Note: Got the pattern from the following top answer: Java regex skipping matches

like image 205
foglerek Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 07:02


1 Answers

The matches can't overlap, which explains your result. Here's a potential workaround, making use of capturing groups with a positive lookahead:

Pattern word = Pattern.compile("(\\w+)(?=(\\s\\w+))");
Matcher m = word.matcher("Please enter your name here");

while (m.find()) {
    System.out.println(m.group(1) + m.group(2));
Please enter
enter your
your name
name here
like image 104
arshajii Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 19:03
