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matching a line that doesn't contain specific text with regular expressions



I want to do the following with regular expressions but not sure how to do it. I want it to match one two when one two is the beginning of the line unless the string contains three anywhere after one two.

like image 937
Jared Avatar asked Jan 12 '09 20:01


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2 Answers

You need a negative lookahead assertion - something like this:

/^one two(?!.*three)/m

Here's a tutorial on lookahead/lookbehind assertions

Note: I've added the 'm' modifier so that ^ matches the start of a line rather than the start of the whole string.

like image 138
Paul Dixon Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 17:10

Paul Dixon

^one two(?!.*three)
like image 35
PEZ Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 15:10