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mark_safe not working/still escaping in simple_tag

I'm using Django 1.3 and I have a simple_tag that I need to return some un-escaped HTML and no matter what I do it's still escaping my & to & and my | to %7C.

from django import template
from django.template import loader, Context
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

register = template.Library()

def show_stuff(arg1=None, arg2=None, arg3='someconstant'):

    # Do some stuff

    if someconstant == 'somevalue':
        template_name = 'template1.html'
        template_name = 'template2.html'

    template = loader.get_template(template_name)
    html = template.render(Context( {'myvar': myvar,} ))
    html = mark_safe(html)
    print type(html)
    return html

The print statement reveals

<class 'django.utils.safestring.SafeUnicode'>

which from my understanding isn't supposed to be escaped. I'm calling the tag in my template like so:

{% show_stuff 'arg1' 'arg2' 'arg3' %}

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Update: Tried the following from comments below. Didn't return an error, but still escapes the HTML:

    template = loader.get_template(template_name)
    html = template.render(Context( {'myvar': myvar,} ))
    html = mark_safe(html)
    print type(html)
    return html

Also tried wrapping the contents of template1.html and template2.html in

{% autoescape off %}
template html contents with & and |
{% endautoescape %}

and wrapping the templatetag call itself with autoescape tags. No success.

like image 458
scoopseven Avatar asked Jul 26 '12 18:07


Video Answer

2 Answers

Old thread but I ran into the same issue recently. I got it working python 3.6. Assign the value from simple tag to a variable txt and output the txt using template tags "{{" and add safe filter to txt.

{% get_contentvalue user "htmlabout" as txt %}
like image 134
manit Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 12:10


In discussion with the author of the question we found that the characters were not actually escaped. Scoopseven (the author) viewed the source html with the option "Show Selection Source" of a context menu in Firefox. In this case escaped characters are shown.

like image 37
sergzach Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
