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Mapping Spark DataSet row values into new hash column

Given the following DataSet values as inputData:

column0 column1 column2 column3
A       88      text    99
Z       12      test    200
T       120     foo     12

In Spark, what is an efficient way to compute a new hash column, and append it to a new DataSet, hashedData, where hash is defined as the application of MurmurHash3 over each row value of inputData.

Specifically, hashedData as:

column0 column1 column2 column3 hash
A       88      text    99      MurmurHash3.arrayHash(Array("A", 88, "text", 99))
Z       12      test    200     MurmurHash3.arrayHash(Array("Z", 12, "test", 200))
T       120     foo     12      MurmurHash3.arrayHash(Array("T", 120, "foo", 12))

Please let me know if any more specifics are necessary.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

like image 871
Jesús Zazueta Avatar asked Nov 06 '17 22:11

Jesús Zazueta

2 Answers

One way is to use the withColumn function:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, hash}
dataset.withColumn("hash", hash(dataset.columns.map(col):_*))
like image 162
soote Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10


Turns out that Spark already has this implemented as the hash function inside package org.apache.spark.sql.functions

 * Calculates the hash code of given columns, and returns the result as an int column.
 * @group misc_funcs
 * @since 2.0
def hash(cols: Column*): Column = withExpr {
  new Murmur3Hash(cols.map(_.expr))

And in my case, applied as:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, hash}

val newDs = typedRows.withColumn("hash", hash(typedRows.columns.map(col): _*))

I truly have a lot to learn about Spark sql :(.

Leaving this here in case someone else needs it. Thanks!

like image 45
Jesús Zazueta Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Jesús Zazueta