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Mapping over sublists in Scala

I know that the map function takes each element of a list (a sequence) and applies a function to it. Recursively (and without respect to termination conditions, etc)

map(s, f) = f(s.head) :: map(s.tail, f)

I am looking for a function that does something like

foo(s, f) = f(s) :: map(s.tail, f).

So a 'mapper' where the mapping function gets called on sublists and not individual elements. In lisp terms, I'm looking for a maplist, as opposed to a mapcar. Does something like this exist, or do I have to roll my own (or use recursion)?

Alternatively, I'd take a function that takes as input a sequence and returns a sequence of mid-to-end subsequences, ie

bar(s, f) = s :: bar(s.tail, f)
like image 990
bsdfish Avatar asked May 21 '09 05:05


2 Answers

/* This approach defines mapList in terms of another useful method called tails. Like Daniel, I'll put it in an implicit extension to List, but that's purely a matter of taste */

implicit def richerList[A](list : List[A]) = new {

/* Here's a method called tails which returns each possible tail in the list. It is tail recursive so it won't blow up on large lists. Note that it differs slightly from a Haskell function of the same name. The Haskell version always adds an empty list on to the result */

  def tails : List[List[A]] = {
    def loop(ls : List[A], accum : List[List[A]]) : List[List[A]] = ls match {
      case _ :: tail => loop(tail, ls :: accum)
      case _ => accum

    loop(list, Nil).reverse

/* This is what using tails looks like

scala> "abc".toList.tails
res0: List[List[Char]] = List(List(a, b, c), List(b, c), List(c))


/* Now we can define mapList based on tails */

  def mapList[B](f : List[A] => B) = tails map f

/* And this is what using mapList looks like

scala> "abc".toList mapList (_.reverse.mkString)
res1: List[String] = List(cba, cb, c)


like image 82
James Iry Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

James Iry

You've basically defined what you're looking for in pseudocode - so it's easy to add such a method to a Scala list using implicit conversions:

object ExtendedList{
  implicit def List2ExtendedList[A](l:List[A])=new ExtendedList(l)
class ExtendedList[A](l:List[A]){
  import ExtendedList._
  def mapList[B](f:List[A]=>B):List[B]=l.length match {
    case 0 => List()
    case _ => f(l)::l.tail.mapList(f)

object Test extends Application{
  import ExtendedList._
  val test = List(5,4,3,2,1)

Is this what you're looking for?

like image 22
Ben Blackburne Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09

Ben Blackburne