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Mapping exception in RxJava 2

How can I map one occurred exception to another one in RxJava2? For example:

doOnError(throwable -> {
    if (throwable instanceof FooException) {
        throw new BarException();

In this case I finally receive CompositeException that consists of FooException and BarException, but I'd like to receive only BarException. Help!

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piotrpawlowski Avatar asked Aug 25 '17 16:08


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1 Answers

You can use onErrorResumeNext and return Observable.error() from it:

source.onErrorResumeNext(e -> Observable.error(new BarException()))


This test passes for me:

public void test() {
    Observable.error(new IOException())
    .onErrorResumeNext((Throwable e) -> Observable.error(new IllegalArgumentException()))
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akarnokd Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 15:10
