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Mapping a java Entity to a GraphQL object [closed]

I have difficulty in implementing GraphQL in a java project as a part of updating it. I'm trying to connect an entity (which uses the Hibernate ORM to map to different databases) to a GraphQLObjectType . Any suggestions how can I accomplish this? Can I omit the GraphQL database configurations if so?

like image 951
elenaHristova Avatar asked Oct 19 '16 10:10


1 Answers

There're multiple options here.

  • It's probably best to not even map an entity directly . Entities are direct representations of the DB and, as such, should probably not be directly exposed, but wrapped into DTOs (maybe allowing pagination, flattening relations, or whatever is appropriate) instead.
  • If you just need to map the class (entity or not) to a GraphQLObjectType, graphql-java-annotations is the simplest (and most limited) route (check the status of this project first, it was on a hiatus for a while)
  • If you want to expose the entire entity graph through GraphQL, graphql-jpa might be your best bet (as Sriram suggests), as it's intended to do exactly that, while also adding pagination, aggregation and sorting
  • If you want to automatically expose not only an entity/DTO class, but also the operations upon it (e.g. an arbitrary service class), look at graphql-spqr (I'm the author of that project)
like image 172
kaqqao Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10
