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Mapping 2 vectors - help to vectorize

Working in Matlab I have 2 vectors of x coordinate with different length. For example:

xm = [15 20 24 25 26 35 81 84 93];
xn = [14 22 26 51 55 59 70 75 89 96];

I need to map xm to xn, or in other words to find which coordinates in xn are closest to xm. So if I have values associated with those coordinates, I can use this map as index and correlate those values.

Both vectors are sorted and there are no duplicates in each vector.

I wrote a simple function with for-loop:

function xmap = vectors_map(xm,xn)
xmap = zeros(size(xm));
for k=1:numel(xm)
    [~, ind] = min(abs(xm(k)-xn));
    xmap(k) = ind(1);

For the above example is returns

xmap =
    1     2     2     3     3     3     8     9    10

It works ok, but takes a while with long vectors (over 100,000 points).

Any ideas how to vectorize this code?

like image 487
yuk Avatar asked Jan 26 '10 21:01


People also ask

What is the difference between map and vector?

Maps do tend to have a bunch of small allocations all over the heap, whereas vectors are contiguous so the cache-hit rate of vectors can sometimes be a little better in cases where you're iterating over all the elements from front to back.

How do you convert a map to a vector?

Convert a map to a vector in C++ And so, to store these we need a vector of paired values. Suppose we have a map of integer keys and integer values. map<int,int> mp; //mp[key] =value mp[5] = 10; mp[8] = 2; mp[9] = 6; To store these we need a vector of integer paired with an integer.

Can you have a map of vectors?

Vector elements are placed in contiguous storage so that they can be accessed and traversed using iterators. Map of Vectors in STL: Map of Vectors can be very efficient in designing complex data structures.

How do you combine two vectors?

The concatenation of vectors can be done by using combination function c. For example, if we have three vectors x, y, z then the concatenation of these vectors can be done as c(x,y,z). Also, we can concatenate different types of vectors at the same time using the same same function.

2 Answers

Oh! One other option: since you're looking for close correspondences between two sorted lists, you could go through them both simultaneously, using a merge-like algorithm. This should be O(max(length(xm), length(xn)))-ish.

match_for_xn = zeros(length(xn), 1);
last_M = 1;
for N = 1:length(xn)
  % search through M until we find a match.
  for M = last_M:length(xm)
    dist_to_curr = abs(xm(M) - xn(N));
    dist_to_next = abs(xm(M+1) - xn(N));

    if dist_to_next > dist_to_curr
      match_for_xn(N) = M;
      last_M = M;

  end % M
end % N

EDIT: See @yuk's comment, the above code is not totally correct!

like image 127
rescdsk Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 01:10


Consider this vectorized solution:

[~, xmap] = min( abs(bsxfun(@minus, xm, xn')) )
like image 39
Amro Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10
