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Map controls for sites running https

A team I work with is currently in an unfortunate situation. They've spent a lot of time integrating the google map control on their site but they didn't discover that to run google maps on a https site you must license the control (and it isn't cheap) and the same goes for bing maps.

So my question is do you know of any cheaper/free map controls like google or bing maps?

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JohannesH Avatar asked Aug 20 '09 10:08


People also ask

Where is the zoom button on Google Maps?

The Zoom control displays "+" and "-" buttons for changing the zoom level of the map. This control appears by default in the bottom right corner of the map.

2 Answers


like image 183
Chris B Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 18:09

Chris B

In version 3 of the API, HTTPS support is now free.

like image 22
Gelatin Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 18:09
