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Manually return an error result and status failure for a celery task?




I've created celery tasks to run some various jobs that were written in javascript by way of nodejs. The task is basically a subprocess.popen that invokes nodejs.

The nodejs job will return a non-zero status when exiting, along with error information written to stderr.

When this occurs, I want to take the stderr, and return those as "results" to celery, along with a FAILURE status, that way my jobs monitor can reflect that the job failed.

How can I do this?

This is my task

def badcommand():
       output = subprocess.check_output('ls foobar',stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
       return output
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er:
       #What do I do here to return er.output, and set the status to fail?

If I don't catch the subprocess exception, the Job properly fails, but the result is empty, and I get a traceback stacktrace instead.

If I catch the exception, and return er.output the job completed as a success.

like image 568
Alan Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 17:12


1 Answers

You can use celery.app.task.Task.update_state method to update the current task state.

def badcommand(self):
       output = subprocess.check_output('ls foobar',stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True)
       return output
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er:
        self.update_state(state='FAILURE', meta={'exc': er})

Note that the bind argument of the app.task decorator was introduced in Celery 3.1. If you're still using a older version, I think you can call the update_state task method this way:

def badcommand():
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as er:
        badcommand.update_state(state='FAILURE', meta={'exc': er})    
like image 84
Balthazar Rouberol Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 08:01

Balthazar Rouberol