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manually define page numbers in latex?


I am editing a 100+ page document in latex, document class is "book". The first few pages of the document have roman page numbers, the rest have arabic page numbers starting with one. I.e. the document has page numbers i-iv, followed by pages 1-120. However, want I want is the pages to be: vii-ix, followed by pages 1-120. (reason: I am inserting some other PDF pages preceding the PDF ultimately generated by latex, and this obviously leads to all following page numbers beeing higher).

So how can I increase the roman page numbers to start from a higher number (but not increase the arabic page numbers at the samee time)?

Thank you.

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gojira Avatar asked Mar 04 '10 08:03


People also ask

How do I start different page numbers in LaTeX?

To suppress the page number on the first page, add \thispagestyle{empty} after the \maketitle command. The second page of the document will then be numbered “2”. If you want this page to be numbered “1”, you can add \pagenumbering{arabic} after the \clearpage command, and this will reset the page number.

How do you remove automatic page numbers in LaTeX?

You could use \pagenumbering{gobble} to switch off page numbering. To switch it on afterwards, use \pagenumbering{arabic} for arabic numbers or alph , Alph , roman , or Roman for lowercase resp. uppercase alphabetic resp.

2 Answers

You don't need to use \setcounter{page}{1} when arabic numbers start. This happens automatically:


has page iii followed by page 1.

like image 131
Ramashalanka Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09


use \setcounter{page}{7} after \begin{document} and if necessary \setcounter{page}{1} when the arabic page numbers start.

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Mathias Soeken Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 08:09

Mathias Soeken