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Manifest Folder in new android studio project

After creating a new application with android studio. I see a manifest file in MyApplication/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml. I changed the version code and version name in this file and tried to display them dynamically. However they were still displaying 1, and 1.0.

I looked into the hardisk and Saw a folder in the path: C:...\MyApplication\app\build\intermediates\manifests\debug\AndroidManifest.xml

using an external editor I changed the values in this file However still getting version 1 on my logs.

Where can I find this Manifest folder/file through android studio?

like image 432
Hesham Fas Avatar asked Jul 22 '14 21:07

Hesham Fas

People also ask

What is manifest folder in Android Studio?

Manifests folder contains AndroidManifest. xml for creating our android application. This file contains information about our application such as the Android version, metadata, states package for Kotlin file, and other application components. It acts as an intermediator between android OS and our application.

How do I find manifest files on android?

Just open your APK and in treeview select "AndroidManifest. xml". It will be readable just like that.

Where do I declare manifest services in android?

You declare a service in your app's Manifest, by adding a <service> element as a child of your <application> element. There's a list of attributes that you can use to control a service's behavior, but as a minimum you'll need to provide the service's name (android:name) and a description (android:description).

Where is manifest xml in android?

Every project in Android includes a Manifest XML file, which is AndroidManifest. xml, located in the root directory of its project hierarchy. The manifest file is an important part of our app because it defines the structure and metadata of our application, its components, and its requirements.

1 Answers

The version code and version name are generally set in your application module's build.gradle file. If there are values there, they override what's in your manifest file.

The file you found in an "intermediates" folder is part of the build process, and if you modify it directly, your changes will quickly be lost when that file is rebuilt.

like image 152
Scott Barta Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09

Scott Barta