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Manifest file missing

Is there a way to regenerate a manifest.xml file? For some reason when I closed my project in eclipse and re opened it it says the following:

Resource /HTTPTabDemo/AndroidManifest.xml does not exist

Will I have to create a new project and copy over files individually or is there a way I can fix it? I think it has something to do with me installing on device to test. Then closing project in IDE while leaving manifest open in tab bar then closing it.

Very annoying, any help much appreciated!

like image 691
Javacadabra Avatar asked Nov 13 '22 13:11


1 Answers

It's a bug.

I had the same problem. I googled it, searched Stack Overflow for an answer, and nothing. Then I tried to create another project, but I couldn't give it the name of my "bugged project" because it was still in the workspace. So misteriously, I renamed my "bugged project", and the error was gone!

For instance:

  • Your project name is Proj1
  • Rename it to Proj2
  • Then, rename it again to Proj1

This worked for me.

Hope this helps

like image 106
Erick Filho Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Erick Filho