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Manage free version and paid version in Flutter




What is the best way to manage free version and paid version using Flutter?

What I have checked

  • One dirty way is having two almost identical projects, and building one as a free version and the other as a paid version.
  • Another way is implementing differences between versions as features after in-app purchase. (I might go with this if there is no better way.)
  • I found info for Android and for iOS (which are the ones written above), but does Flutter provide a better way?


  • 1.12.13+hotfix.9
  • Dart 2.7.2
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dmjy Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 08:11


1 Answers

Two ways to do this:

  1. Implement in-app-purchases with a non-consumable (if you want to unlock premium features 'forever')
  2. Create a subscription that a user purchases to unlock premium features (potentially combined with a free trial period) for a period of time

Anything else is likely to get blocked by the App Store and Play Store review process.

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Bram Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
