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Making whole card clickable in Reactstrap

I'm trying to create a card that, when clicked, performs an action.

I've managed to make this work by adding a button to the card, which is bound to an event handler, and works as expected.

I'm trying to get the whole card to work with the same event handler, as opposed to using the button, but I can't seem to get this to work as I would expect.

const SiteCard = props => {
  const { site, siteSelectedCallback } = props;

  return (
    <Card onClick={siteSelectedCallback} className="card-item">
        <CardText className="text-muted">{site.address}</CardText>
        <Button color="primary" className="float-right" value={site.id}>
         CHOOSE ME

I've tried wrapping it in an <a> tag, but that also doesn't work.

With the example, I'd expect the card to be clickable, but actually the button still works with the event handler. I've also tried removing the button, but that doesn't make the card clickable.

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jmo Avatar asked Dec 29 '18 21:12


People also ask

How do you make a whole card clickable react?

To make the entire card area clickable, wrap the card's title with the Link component. Then, add the overlay prop to expand it. By doing that, you ensure good keyboard navigation support given that the focus-visible styles also apply to the entire card.

2 Answers

Note that adding onClick on the Card component is enough to make it clickable. Changing the cursor through style makes it more obvious to the user.

<Card onClick={onClick} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}>
  <CardBody>This is a clickable card.</CardBody>

Edit pedantic-leftpad-c0yoz

Wrapping the card with an a tag will also work, though, it won't have the pointer cursor without a href which can be changed easily with CSS.

const SiteCard = ({ site, siteSelectedCallback }) => (
  <a style={{ cursor: 'pointer' }} onClick={siteSelectedCallback}>
    <Card className="card-item">
        <CardText className="text-muted">{site.address}</CardText>

Edit eloquent-haslett-kz62z

Tested it just now with a console.log, so if that doesn't work, it's because the callback isn't working as you're expecting it to.

Another way would be to make the Card an a tag by passing a tag prop.

<Card tag="a" onClick={siteSelectedCallback} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}>

Edit xenodochial-curie-jkvon

All the options available are clearly defined in the source of the reactstrap's Card component.

I also tested with a button inside the Card without any problems.

like image 99
Emile Bergeron Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 18:10

Emile Bergeron

In case anyone arrives here for the same question, but with react-bootstrap's Card, the solution is very similar. However, instead of using the tag property, you need to use as.

<Card as="a" onClick={siteSelectedCallback} style={{ cursor: "pointer" }}>
like image 29
Renato Back Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 16:10

Renato Back