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making stand-alone binaries in Julia?

Is there a way to make stand-alone binaries that contain all julia dependencies and do not require the user to have julia installed? I think it is possible to do using the Go language. It is very hard to do in other languages like Python and I wanted to know if Julia can do this or if there are plans to do it.

like image 972
lgd Avatar asked Feb 23 '15 01:02


1 Answers

It is not officially supported really yet, but there is some functionality to do it. By "not officially supported" I mean that I don't think its being tried regularly, and isn't being checked for regressions.

I understand it is planned to make it easier in the future, but that its not a very high priority right now (can't find citation right now).

like image 148
IainDunning Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
