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Making Karma a.k.a Testacular work [closed]

I wanna use Karma (previously known as Testacular) to run some jasmine tests. So I've installed node.js, then I run:

npm -g install karma

I even installed jasmine

npm -g jasmine-node

then I used karma init it created 'karma.conf.js' where "files" section contains this

files = [

and I created a small test file

describe("A suite", function() {
  return it("spec with an expectation", function() {
    return expect(true).toBe(true);

now I'm trying to run it karma start it throws me an error: Uncaught ReferenceError: JASMINE is not defined, if I remove the line with JASMINE, run again - now it doesn't say anything about jasmine, but throws: describe is not defined

So what am I doing wrong?

btw. putting module('someModule') in test file doesn't help (module is not defined error)

upd: I'm on Windows

like image 567
iLemming Avatar asked May 06 '13 21:05


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1 Answers

in fact I'm pretty sure using global variables (e.g. JASMINE) been deprecated in the lastest Karma version - but it's not documented.

It should have been replaced by the frameworks options, so you'd only need:

frameworks = ["jasmine"];
like image 191
Simon Boudrias Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 00:10

Simon Boudrias