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Making JQuery LightBox Plugin work with multiple galleries

I'm trying to make this jquery plugin => http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/ work with multiple galleries on the same page.

The problem is, everytime I click on a picture from a certain gallery, I get all the pictures from all the galleries on the same page. Let's say i've got 2 galleries of 6 photos each. If I click on a pic from gallery 1, I will see the pics from gallery 2 as well.

I've tried something like this to make it work but no success:

<script type="text/javascript">
      $('div.gallery-6').each(function() {

Unfortunately, it doesn't work!!!

What's the workaround for that?

Once again, what I'm trying to accomplish is to be able to view the pictures in their proper gallery. I don't want all the pics to be treated as one gallery.

like image 743
lpdahito Avatar asked Jan 12 '10 18:01


2 Answers

With very few changes I made this work with multiple galleries on one page.

The JQuery

$(function() {
  $('#gallery1 a').lightBox();
  $('#gallery2 a').lightBox();
  $('#galleryN a').lightBox();   


<div class="gallery" id="gallery1">
<div class="gallery" id="gallery2">
<div class="gallery" id="galleryN">

I changed the style from an id to a class.

like image 188
Cadoo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


This a patch for Ben's answer, for those who waht to use multiple galleries, or simply add the lightbox effect to an image, use it inside your <head>...</head> tag

Here's the code (Note: I changed the variable $ for jQuery, it works better for me):

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(function() {
        var boxen = [];
        //find all links w/ rel="lightbox[gallery_name]" or just rel="lightbox" it works both ways
        jQuery('a[rel*=lightbox]').each(function() {
        //push only unique lightbox[gallery_name] into boxen array
        if (jQuery.inArray(jQuery(this).attr('rel'),boxen)) boxen.push(jQuery(this).attr('rel'));
    //for each unique lightbox group, apply the lightBox
    jQuery(boxen).each(function(i,val) { jQuery('a[rel='+val+']').lightBox(); });

This is an example mixing all possible uses, they all can work in the same html, here we have two galleries and a third one with no name, just the "lightbox" reference:

<a href="images/image1.jpg" rel="lightbox[gallery1]"><img border="0" height="50" src="images/image1_thumbnail.jpg" width="50" />
<a href="images/image2.jpg" rel="lightbox[gallery1]"><img border="0" height="50" src="images/image2_thumbnail.jpg" width="50" />
<a href="images/image3.jpg" rel="lightbox[gallery2]"><img border="0" height="50" src="images/image3_thumbnail.jpg" width="50" />
<a href="images/image4.jpg" rel="lightbox[gallery2]"><img border="0" height="50" src="images/image4_thumbnail.jpg" width="50" />
<a href="images/image5.jpg" rel="lightbox"><img border="0" height="50" src="images/image5_thumbnail.jpg" width="50" />

I hope this helps!

like image 36
Daniel Avellaneda Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Daniel Avellaneda